‘All Right’ by Christopher Cross
Christopher Cross
All Right
Christopher Cross
All Right
Toy Soldiers
Gloria Estefan
Can’t Stay Away From You
Cardiomyopathy is a condition of abnormal heart muscle without apparent cause. There are four types of cardiomyopathy: Hypertrophic (HCM), Dilated (DCM), Restrictive (RCM) and Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular (ARVC). The main feature of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is […]
The $22 Billion Gold Rush
by Robert Lenzner & Michael Maiello
Millions of Americans took Redux to lose weight. A …
Nutrisystem A prepackaged meal plan consisting of low-glycemic carbohydrates, protein and fiber arrives at a client’s door daily. Clients eat five times per day, a combination of Nutrisystem food, along with fruits and vegetables. Example […]
Macrobiotic Diet The macrobiotic diet is a low-fat, high-fiber diet. Many people choose it because it emphasizes physical and spiritual well-being. It is predominantly a vegetarian diet, consisting mainly of whole grains and vegetables according […]
The South Beach Diet The South Beach Diet is a three-phase plan that starts with eating fewer carbohydrates, except for essential vegetables, while consuming lean protein. After about two weeks, dieters add in more complex […]
Jenny Craig A personal consultant helps build a diet that works for each individual’s weight-loss needs and also serves as a motivator to stick with the plan. Clients can choose already-created menus or create their […]
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