Calf Raise on Cybex Rotary Calf — Forefoot to Midfoot Range of Plantar Contact with Foot Pedal

The location of your foot plant on the pedal of the Cybex Rotary Calf

changes the recruitment of the plantar flexion muscles. Forefoot plant

effects more effort from the medial head of the gastrocnemius and the

more proximal areas of the plantar flexor muscles. A more midfoot plant

effects the more lateral and more distal areas of the plantar flexor


Also, the midfoot plant allows a heavier load to be lifted as there is a

mechanical advantage with the resistance lever shortened. The Rotary

Calf Machine exercises the ankle in 1st-Class Lever mode, unlike a

Standing Calf Raise, which exercises the ankle in 2nd-Class lever mode.

In the Rotary Calf Machine (1st-Class Lever), the fulcrum is the the

ankle joint, the resistance lever extends from ankle joint to the

midfoot or forefoot/ball of foot, and the force lever extends from the

ankle joint to the heel insertion attachment of the Achilles Tendon.

In the Standing Calf Raise (2nd-Class Lever), the fulcrum is the the

ball of the foot, the resistance lever extends from the ball of the foot

to the ankle joint holding the weight of the body,, and the force lever

extends from the ball of the foot to the heel insertion attachment of

the Achilles Tendon.

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