5′ 8″ / Athletic. Born 1988
Smoke / Drink: No / No
Doesn’t drink pop. Doesn’t eat fast food.
5′ 8″ / Athletic. Born 1988
Smoke / Drink: No / No
Doesn’t drink pop. Doesn’t eat fast food.
Gov. Mike Huckabee’s health goals began in 2003, when he received a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, which can be controlled by diet and exercise. He weighed almost 300 pounds. He believes lifestyle revolution can […]
Bob Gajda, kinesiotherapist (RKT), AAU Mr. America, Mr. USA winer and Mr. Universe winner, author
Gray Cook, physical therapist, dedicated to functional evaluation exercise techniques. He has taken the Functional Movement Screen and his advanced assessment practices and combined them with reactive-based exercises that enhance motor learning. These two components […]
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