Fitness Experts: Conditioning, Injury Prevention, Safety, Rehabilitation, Performance Professionals

Strength coaches, athletic trainers, personal trainers, physicians, chiropractors, nutritionists and more … has a quick profile on professionals who have dedicated their professional lives to understanding the body in physical activity and strive to discover and profess methods to optimize physical conditioning of the human body for pre-hab, rehabilitation, sports specific training, functional training, physical conditioning, endurance training, exercise safety and more.

The “Fitness Experts” section of starts with a quick profile of each fitness expert and follows with news related to that professional. A file folder for each professional can be found in the left margin. Most of the fitness experts included are chosen on the basis that they are on the lecture circuit, conduct seminars, authors books or instructional DVD’s, or are publishers of instructional websites or blogs related to health, wellness, fitness, conditioning and sports medicine.