Roughly 60 percent of our body consists of water. So, it comes to no surprise that staying hydrated throughout the day improves the performance of your bodily functions. The amount of water you should drink a day is individualized per person, and meeting that intake of water has numerous health benefits.
Maintaining hydration keeps your brain focused and your body energized while constantly flushing toxins out of your system. However, it is important to note that not all water is the same. Different types of drinking water provide multiple nutrients, leading your body to crave certain types of water over others. Here we explore what nutrients are offered by varying types of drinkable water.
Tap Water
Tap water is a piped water supply that we often associate with doing chores like dishes or laundry, in addition to the various appliances in a bathroom. It can be a significantly cheaper alternative to drinking bottled water. Tap water is typically safe to drink due to industry regulations, though unfortunately, these regulations are sometimes overlooked.
Spring Water
Spring water is rainwater accumulated underground that trickles out via a spring or glacier. Spring water is bottled, readily available in stores, and is frequently pinned as a travel companion. Spring water does not receive water treatment, yet is still considered clean, toxin-free, and a great source of minerals.
Mineral water promotes digestion and, of course, contains valuable minerals that your body cannot produce itself. Mineral water includes magnesium, sulfur, and calcium, which encourage heart, brain, bone, and muscle health. These minerals are important in the body’s enzyme and hormone production. Mineral water tends to be more expensive than different types of drinking water due to its sought-after health benefits.
This variety of water undergoes treatment during which it becomes void of all minerals or salt. Water is boiled and its steam is reverted to water, which is then considered distilled water. Though considered a pure form of water, it offers no health benefits and can even lead to mineral deficiencies in the body. A scenario in which you may consume distilled water could be if you suspect your tap water is contaminated and choose to treat the water, whether you are traveling or at home.
Carbon dioxide gas and water are combined under pressure to produce what we know as sparkling water. You may be familiar with essences of flavor being added to this carbonated drink to make it stand out. A perk of selecting sparkling water is that it is often infused with minerals. So, while you enjoy a fizzy beverage, you are also introducing your body to more beneficial minerals.
It is important to supply your body with enough water every day. Incorporate mineral-rich water into your day if possible, but remember that hydrating with clean and safe water is your central priority.