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Posture & Technique

5 Ways to Relieve Back Pain from the Workplace

Work is difficult enough as is, but it can become even more challenging if you suffer from back pain. Back pain acts as a distraction that keeps you from getting your work done. Many people […]


Biceps Brachii

Biceps brachii flexes the elbow and raises the arm at the shoulder joint. The Biceps Brachii is the largest and primary muscle of the front of the upper arm …


Biceps Femoris

The Biceps Femoris muscle shapes the lateral part of the hamstring muscles and causes knee flexion, which brings the lower leg up at the knee joint …



Triceps Brachii

The Triceps Brachii muscle shapes the lateral part of the upper arm and causes elbow extension, which which straightens the arm at the elbow … […]

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New (Staging)

Modified Cybex Torso Rotation

Normally-designed operation of the Cybex Torso Rotation machine has the
exerciser planting both feet on slightly toe-out platforms and sitting
