Exercise Registry

Dumbbell Shrugs with Internal and External Shoulder Rotation
A standing shoulder shrug set with dumbbells starting with elbows
straight and humerus internally rotated. Gradually change rotation of
the …

Exercise Staging
Exercise staging is an area for publishing new exercises as they are observed or created. Staging is an operational term for moving information, material, equipment, personnel or strategic items forward in proximity for preparation for […]

Ryan Kennelly Bench Press: 405 LBS X 20
Ryan Kennelly, American powerlifter performing a bench press of 405 pounds for 20 reps …

Gene Rychlak Jr World Record Bench Press Assisted
Gene Rychlak Jr Benching the world record 1010 LBS at the APF Metal Militia Memorial Powerlifting Contest …

Bench Press
The bench press is a weightlifting event and weight training exercise that uses arm and chest muscles and focuses on the development of the pectoralis muscles, anterior deltoids, middle deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis, triceps, trapezius, […]

Body Part Exercises
The “Body Part Exercise” section of Exercise-Reports.com is designed to help exercisers with selecting and understanding exercises that are specific for certain body regions. Exercises in a gym or fitness center are often organized by […]