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Healthy Foods


Blueberries may contain more antioxidants
than any other fruit or vegetable.

The most powerful antioxidants in blueberries are anthocyanins, phytochemicals …


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Healthy Foods

Green Tee

Green tea is high in polyphenols, a class of
phytochemicals with 100 times the antioxidant properties of vitamin C.

Catechins, …


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Healthy Foods


The odor of garlic is caused by sulfur-based compounds
known as allyl sulfides. The odor comes from the lungs interfaced …


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Healthy Foods


Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids prevent blood platelets from clumping together and sticking to arterial …


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Healthy Foods


Oats consumed daily can help lower cholesterol. Oats contain
beta-glucan, a spongy, soluble fiber that collects the precursors of
cholesterol …


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Healthy Foods


Broccoli is high in phytochemicals,
including sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol, which may detoxify
cancer-causing substances before they act.

women, indole-3-carbinol …


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Healthy Foods


Certain types of
fat found in nuts—monounsaturated and polyunsaturated—are the good

Nuts lower blood levels of triglycerides
and ldl …


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Healthy Foods

Red Wine

The skins of the grapes used to make red wine contain supercharged
antioxidants known as polyphenols, including resveratrol,
which boosts …


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Healthy Foods


Spinach is high in iron and folate, a B vitamin routinely added to flour.

Folate prevents neural-tube defects in newborns …
