Infectious Disease
Alcohol Hand Sanitizer Tips
Hand sanitizers with less than 60% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol are not effective.
To kill Staph aureus, the …
Hand sanitizers with less than 60% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol are not effective.
To kill Staph aureus, the …
There are more than 50 distinct types of adenoviruses related to human
illnesses. They are one cause of the common …
Video from WLWT-TV/DT showing what MRSA looks like.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), also known as oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ORSA), multiple-resistant …
Infectious Diseases are transmitted by air droplets or by direct contact with people or objects that people just touched. For any of these conditions, except perhaps minor colds, seek medical treatment. Precautions for all infections […]
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